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validation prospective de biomarqueurs dans le sarcome d'ewing pour une médicine translationnelle personnalisée

Titre en anglais

prospective validation of biomarkers in ewing sarcoma for personalised translational medecine

Nom de l'appel à projet (acronyme)


Année de financement


Durée (en mois)


Porteur principal

DELATTRE Olivier , Institut Curie
26, rue d'Ulm
75005 PARIS

Équipes associées

DIRKSEN Uta / University Children's Hospital Münster



ce projet associe trois group leader au niveau européen sur les essais cliniques concernant le sarcome d'ewing: le groupe euroewing, le groupe "sarcomes" italien et le groupe "sarcomes" espagnol. ces différents groupes souhaitent combiner leurs efforts pour identifier les biomarqueurs indispensables pour mieux préciser le risque évolutif de la maladie et établir les stratifications thérapeutiques,

Résumé en anglais

provabes prospective validation of biomarkers in ewing sarcoma for personalized translational medicine the majority of ewing sartcoma patients are treated within clinical trials under the auspices of the clinical trial groups cooperating in this consortium. owing to multimodal treatment approaches, including high-intensity chemotherapy regimens, surgery and radiotherapy, 2, 3 of the patients with localized disease achieve sustained remission- ~30 % relapse. it is of concern that, in contrast to the general trend in young cancer patients, the outcome in es failed to improve markedly in the last two decades. moreover, long-term survivors are prone to develop severe late sequelae of high-intensity treatments. while clinical prognostic markers such as primary dissemination, tumour site, size, patient`s age and histological response to chemotherapy are established and used for therapeutic stratification, little is known about biological factors that determine the risk of relapse or progression and thus might help to differentiate patients at risk from those eligible for less intense treatment. prospectively validated biomarkers are thus needed to provide personalised risk-adapted therapeutic approaches. our group has recently published promising biomarkers. the aim of provabes is the careful validation of chr 1q gain, chr 16 alteration, expression of hsa-mir34a, mgst1, lgals3bp and steap1 in a prospective joint investigation. these prognostic s tudies will complement on-going circulating biomarkers studies and proposed exploratory studies on activity of promising candidates and lead to a common dataset of precisely described es.


validation prospective de biomarqueurs dans le sarcome d'ewing pour une médicine translationnelle personnalisée

26, rue d'Ulm

75005 PARIS